Surviving Life

 Thomas Jefferson once said, “If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done." I try to use this quote to the best of my ability when I tackle life. Life itself hasn't really been on the fair side to me, but it still hasn't stopped me from doing what I want to do. Whether it came to health, social, life, jobs, or anything else that tried to bring me down, I would always find a way to come back on top. Sure I may have had some moments that took longer than others, but you always have to start somewhere. Which leads me to the Affiliate Marketing route. I have always considered and been told by multiple people and employers that I am a really good salesman. Now I'm not talking about the one that comes knocking door to door or the one that rushes to your car to get you to buy the brand new red convertible. I'm just the salesman that wants to identify your needs and make sure you get the right thing you're looking for. Starting Affiliate Marketing multiple people asked me what my niche will be. It always takes time when you're starting something to pinpoint and figure out what that maybe. So why not turn what I enjoy most and mostly know about into something. The things I show interest in most are my smart house at home, childhood fun with Pokémon, gaming on different consoles, and all kinds of electronics. My goal will be to find the best deals for all others to enjoy and also try to help keep the lights on at my home. Help me out to achieve this goal and maybe we can take this journey together to see where this goes.